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“Night of Ustod Sadriddin Ayni” in Tehran

“Night of Ustod Sadriddin Ayni” in Tehran
Profesyonel Emlak

“Night of Ustod Sadriddin Ayni” in Tehran






On June 18, 2024, the “Night of Ustod Sadriddin Ayni” was held at the House of Writers of Iran with the initiative of “Bukhoro” magazine and in cooperation with the Embassy of Tajikistan in Iran. The meeting was opened by Ali Dehbashi, the editor-in-chief of “Bukhoro” magazine, who emphasized the importance of recognizing the personality and works of Sadriddin Ayni in Iran as one of the most famous figures in the Fars world.





Ambassador of Tajikistan to Iran Nizomiddin Zohidi called the personality of Sadriddin Ayni a manifestation of the spiritual existence of Tajiks, and the legacy of Ustod – the essence of scientific, literary and cultural achievements of the Tajik people in the twentieth century, and emphasised the role of this great son of the Tajik nation in preserving the national identity, spiritual heritage and cultural values of people in the fateful era of Tajik history.

Other speakers at the “Night of Ustod Sadriddin Ayni”, Iranian scholars Aliashrafi Shabestari, Masudi Irfoniyon, Orash Eronpur, Muhsin Farahbar, as well as famous Tajik researcher Abdulkholiq Nabavi (in online format) spoke about various aspects of Sadriddin Ayni’s personality and work, his outstanding role in the development of Tajik and Fars literature and culture.




The event also concluded with the presentation ceremony of two new works of Iranian scientists – “Social History of Bukhoro based on Ayni’s Memoirs” (2 volumes, by Ozito Hamadoni) and a new Persian edition of Ustod Ayni’s book “Akhgari Inqilob” (prepared and edited by Orash Eronpur).




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